

How to Achieve Success?

“If you have the commitment – you will achieve your goals”
It is an accepted fact that 90% of traders lose money “playing” the markets, because they are just “playing” and NOT Trading.

They tend to focus mostly on the past, and their failures, as a result they have fear within them, resulting into wrong trades.

If you want to succeed in life, remember one thing, just because you failed yesterday does not mean that you will fail today, or that you will fail tomorrow. All that matters is what are you going to do right now! You have to learn to live in the NOW. The past is gone, you cannot change it, but you have the power to change the NOW, which will influence your Tomorrow.

The human brain is the most powerful computer in the world, and when it is challenged it can achieve the absolute incredible. To achieve success, you have to start using your brain and THINK. So what can you do to succeed?

  1. What is your Goal - The first step of any sound trading plan is to set realistic and attainable goals for yourself. Know exactly what you want, you have to be clear and there shall be no doubt about this. Clarity is the power. In my e-book, I have gone through great length on mental fitness, psychology and trading plan.

  1. Control your mental focus. If you know what you want than you can focus on it. Whatever we focus on in life we tend to manifest that. Focus on success, and focus on the daily changes that you are bringing to your trading. Focus on those winning trades and see yourself doing this over and over again.

  1. ACTION – Once you decide what you want, Take massive action in the direction of your goals. Go out and get it. No point having a goal and not doing anything about it.

  1. Challenge – Demand more from yourself; push yourself to be the best. Push yourself to the next level. Don’t have fear, face the fear, break through the fear and take action. Our brain is capable of doing anything – However, It is not what we can do in life that makes the difference, it is what we will do. Napoleon Hill’s classic best seller “Think and Grow Rich” has sold more than 60 million copies worldwide! Does that mean that 60 million are rich and millionaires? No, only a tiny percentage did follow through, the majority do read and then take no action and go on to read another classic best seller.

  1. Measure the progress – Is it working or not? Are you getting closer to your goal? Review it all the time. If it is not working, than change it. Keep trying and trying, until you master it. Never Give UP

  1. Master Success – Find the path to mastery. Life is your game to win. Life should be about growth and your willingness to keep learning and to keep helping others. If we did all the things we are capable of doing, we would literally astonish ourselves. – Success is there waiting for you!

  1. Motivate yourself. To succeed at anything in life, just FEELING motivated will not DO. That melts on a hot afternoon. You need to be totally motivated – and that lasts a lifetime. There are lot of ways you can find yourself to motivate. For some this could be putting lot of pleasures to the success. Or for some this could be putting lot of pain on your failure. What will it be like if you fail to achieve the success? For some visualising the pain will be unbearable, and the fear of failure will be motivating them.

  1. Get a Role Model – How can you quicken the above process? The easiest way is to get a Role Model. Find out what a successful person has done to achieve success, and do the same thing! Don’t reinvent the wheel. If you can learn the principles and strategies of successful men and women, you can use their methods to achieve whatever you desire. The American philosopher and writer, Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote, “Our chief want in life is somebody who will make us do what we can.”

  1. The Mentor Advantage – A good quality mentor can also help to speed the journey to success. That has certainly been the case with me. Whilst I have 0over 20 years experience in trading, but my success grew exponentially when I sought the services of a mentor and I have not looked back since. A mentor can teach you new skills and help you increase self-confidence. For the past 2 years I have also offered trading & psychology mentoring and have seen tremendous success being achieved by the students. There has been instances where students got confidence by moving from trading micro lots to over 10 lots, some have even gone on to become successful money managers.

  1. Keep a Journal – as I have often said in my training courses you are your biggest mentor, and you have already paid for it. HOW? By way your failures. One of the reasons to write a journal is teach you and learn from it from the past mistakes.

“Dreams are a dime dozen………….. It’s their execution that counts.
Theodore Roosevelt

Are You Willing to Pay the Price?

HA! Made you click!
If you really thought there actually was a way for a lazy forex trader to get rich, SHAME ON YOU!
No such thing exists. The word "lazy" and "trader" is an oxymoron. You have to be willing to pay the price to become a trader.
Which brings us to our next lesson....
So, you’ve gone through the School of Pipsology…five times, learned basic analysis and money management trading plan, right?) Now you can sit back and relax because it’s easy money from here on out, right? techniques, and maybe even opened up a demo account and started trading a plan you’ve created. (You do have a
You’ve just taken the first step.
You’ve only familiarized yourself with the very basic fundamentals of what it takes to become a professional trader. Now it’s time to get on to the real work.
I’m sure you’re now thinking, “There’s more to learn?!”
Well, my friend, the learning never ends.
As with any profession, whether you’re a doctor, lawyer, athlete, assassin, spy, ninja, ultimate fighter, musician or any other occupation that requires a high level of skill, you can never stop learning and practicing. Otherwise, your skills will deteriorate and you’ll slowly forget what you’ve learned.

This lesson will give you a peek into what it takes – education, time, money and psychological stamina – to enter the most financially rewarding career on the planet: a professional trader.

Forex Trading Scams.

Don't be a sucker.

One of the first things you must learn about the Forex market is that although it is enjoyable and exciting, there is no magic button that will instantly turn your pennies into millions of dollars. You may have already heard about Forex scams that are filling the marketplace. These companies purposely mislead people into thinking that making money in the Forex is easy and that they have found the “Magic Solution” to raking in booku bucks with a simple click of a button.
Sadly, the number of Forex scams is rising. The Commodities Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) released a report citing that in recent years, they have seen a sharp increase in the rise of Foreign Exchange scams. The CFTC warns consumers to be cautious of sales solicitations in newspapers, radio or television. You’ve probably even seen some of these companies. I hear about them all the time from people whenever I try to explain the Forex. The first thing they say is that they think the Forex is a scam. That makes me so angry! The Forex is a tremendous investment opportunity for people and because of these scammers, they miss out on a good way to make money.
The truth is that no matter how you slice or dice it, education is the only fool proof way to consistently make money in the Foreign Exchange. Even after you finish reading through, your journey as a FX trader is only the beginning. I have never met a successful Forex trader who stopped learning. There is always something new to learn and you must actively seek out as much information as you can. 

The best investment you can ever make is in yourself.

Don’t spend your money on a company that promises huge returns; even if they show you their track record. It might look pretty and colorful; and I’m sure that the line on the graph that seems to keep going higher and higher makes it look like there is no way you could lose money, but don’t let them fool you. In fact, I could take my broker statement right now, touch it up with Photoshop and voila! – I have now just become the most successful trader on the planet. Pretty impressive huh? I know I’m laying it on pretty thick, but I really want to prevent you from falling into any traps. Instead of giving your hard earned money to someone else, you could put that money aside into a trading account and take the time to educate yourself.
Notice that I didn’t say you should put your money into a trading account and start trading.
Keep that money in your account and gradually add to it as you continue to learn. Before you know it, your account size will be bigger than you realized, and to top it off, you’ll have a wealth of Forex education under your “traders” belt.
So remember, Forex scams DO exist. Be wary of them and hold onto your money. The good news is that there ARE legitimate Forex companies out there. Make sure you do thorough research on a company if you are thinking about giving them a shot. Ask other traders on the forums  if they've had experiences with them. There is a wealth of information on the Internet so do your homework and you’ll be just fine.

Why Have a Trading Plan?

Uh oh! You’ve learned so much and have come so far in your education, and yet you're still haven't graduated high school. No, you’re not dumb, BUT you didn’t have a trading plan.
Our point is that you can fill your mind with plenty of information, but without a good trading plan and the discipline to stick to it, you will NEVER be profitable.
Think of your trading plan as your map to success. It will be a constant reminder of how you will make money in this market. Of course it’s not required, and if you can make your living by trading without a plan, we will bow down and hail you as the Market Zeus of the Forex.
So you CAN trade without a plan if you want, but before you make that decision, let us give you a few reasons WHY you should have one.

Why Have a Trading Plan?

Reason 1: It keeps you in the right direction
Consistency is very important to have in your trading routine because it allows you to truly measure how successful you are as a trader. If you have a sound trading system but always break your rules, how can you ever really know how good your system really is? Your trading plan will keep you on target. Read it every day and stick to it. 
Reason 2: Trading is a business and successful businesses ALWAYS have plans
I have never seen a successful business not start out with a plan.  Do you honestly think Walmart was just created on a whim and then magically became successful?  Or what about McDonalds?  I’m sure almost anyone can make a better hamburger than McDonalds, but the difference between them and the individual is that they have a successful business plan that guides them to success. 
In the same way, you can relate the McDonald’s story to your trading career.  Whether it’s by luck or experience, everyone can make money in the forex. However, the difference between a losing trader and a successful trader is the PLAN.  If you have a good trading plan and you are disciplined enough to stick to it, you will be successful!
Now you know why you should have a trading plan. Let's find out what makes up a trading plan...

What Should be in Your Trading Plan?

Trading Plans can be as simple or complex as you want it, but the most important thing is that you actually HAVE a plan and you FOLLOW the plan. With that said, here are some of the essentials that every trading plan should have.
1. A Trading System
This is the heart of your trading plan. This system should be one that you have thoroughly backtested, and have traded for at least two months on a demo account.
Include all the necessary information about your system such as: time frames you use, criteria for entries and exits, how much you risk during each trade, which currency pair(s) you trade and how many lots you trade.
Example: I am an intraday trader and I trade off of the 10 minute charts. I enter when there is a moving average crossover and all my indicators support the direction. I only trade the EUR/USD and I risk no more than 2% of my account on each trade. For now, I trade 5 mini lots and will increase my lot size according to my 2% money management rules.
2. Your trading routine
This is a crucial part of your plan because it will determine three very important things: when you will analyze the market and plan your trades, when you will actually watch the market to take trades, and when you will evaluate your actions during your trading day.
3. Your mindset
Ask any trader out there and they will all tell you that one of the hardest things to do when trading is to take out your emotions from it. This section of your trading plan will describe what frame of mind you will be in when you are trading.
  • I will see what is on the charts and not what I want to see.
  • No matter how biased I am towards a direction, I will make sure to trade only what my eyes see and not what my feelings tell me.
  • I will not get “revenge” on the market if I lose on a trade.
  • I will not beat myself up if I make a losing trade. Instead I will take it as a learning experience and move on.
4. Your weaknesses
Yes, we all have our weaknesses. We just don’t like talking about them. But ask yourself this, “How will you ever get better, if you don’t admit to what you need to work on?” This section will be an objective way to keep track of things that you need to work on in order to become a better trader.
  • I tend to overtrade. Whenever I lose on a position, I get upset and immediately try to get “revenge” on the market.
  • I tend to exit early on trades.
  • I don’t stick to the rules of my system every time
  • I don’t stick to my money management rules every time
5. Your goals
“To make a lot of money” is not a good goal. Sit down and really think about what you want to accomplish as a trader. Do you want to trade for a living? How much return can you realistically expect from trading based on your knowledge and experience? Your goals don’t even have to be about making money. Maybe you would like to be more disciplined or gain more confidence. These goals can be personal. What do YOU want to get out of this? Use these goals as your motivation when times get tough. These goals will be your vision, and you must always keep your eyes on the prize!
6. Your trading journal
This will be a valuable tool to helping you become a better trader. Make sure you log all your trades and why you took them. Later down the road you can look back and evaluate your trades and see how you are progressing. I’ve looked back at my trade journal and have seen just how much I’ve grown as a trader. My first entries were very basic and as I’ve progressed, my trades make more sense to me now. I’ve gained a lot of confidence throughout my career and by looking back at my trades, I’ve really been able to evaluate myself and see if I am getting closer to my goals. This tool will help you tremendously in the long run, so take a few minutes each day and log your trades. You’ll be happy you did!

Summary of Trading Plans.

Your trading plan will be your trading “bible”. 
Read it everyday and stick to it. 
You can have all the trading tools in the world, but if you don’t have a plan on how you will use them, you will never be successful. 
Remember, you are starting a business, and if you want your business to succeed, you need to have a PLAN!