
Keep a Trading Diary.

Learn Forex Trading
keeping a detailed trading diary is what makes you grow as a trader.This is what allows you to learn from your experience.Good traders usually have great trading diaries while bad traders simply don't care about them.
         On your trading diary,you should annotate all your trades as well as describe all the reasons that made you take the trade.You should also annotate your pace of mind when you entered the trade and during the trade.Was there any economic release while you were holding a trade?If so,annotate it on your trading diary.The technical indicator that you were using gave you an exit signal,and you ignored it?Well,don't be ashamed.Write it on your trading diary,and learn from your mistakes.
         All traders make mistakes.The difference between winners and losers is that winners tend to learn from those mistakes.Losers prefer to forget about them...
          If you want to be a winner,you'll need to build a great trading diary and make it as much detailed as you can.You can even take some chart snapshots at the moment you entered and exited the trade and post them on your trading diary so that,in the future,you can see the reasons why you made your decision about a trade.In the future you can read your trading diary and learn about some mistakes that you made.This will allow you to correct these mistakes on your future trades.

Think, and grow poor...

Fellow Investor,
Think, and grow poor...
I know it sounds crazy, but that's exactly what many investors do. They literally over think the market and therefore miss out on the big moves.
Let's take a look at the current crazy financial conditions that an everyday investor has to deal with in the US:
    * The stocks going higher (BULLISH) * Record unemployment (BEARISH) * No new funds flowing into mutual funds (WHO KNOWS?) * A crashing dollar (BULLISH STOCKS?) * China raises rates (BEARISH STOCKS?)
It's enough to give you a headache when you have to sort out the bullish/bearish rumors constantly floating around, from the facts.
This, in my humble opinion, is the #1 reason why most investors miss out on big moves, or worse yet, are frozen into a state of inaction only to witness their capital decimated when the market turns down. 

If "Think, And Grow Poor" Doesn't Work, What Does?

The answer is, "Don't Think, And Grow Rich."
I have just finished three educational reports that will prove that a strategy such as the ones we outline could make a lot of sense to your financial future.
These three reports show in detail three different portfolios that fall under the umbrella of the "don't think, and grow rich" approach. These reports have been meticulously researched, prepared, and come with our compliments. I believe that this "don't think, and grow rich" approach can provide you with the kind of answers that many investors are looking for in today's markets.

3 Ways To Take Advantage Of The "Don't Think, And Grow Rich" Philosophy

Click on any image above to request that report.

MarketClub's WORLD CUP PORTFOLIO: This portfolio has been designed to take advantage of several important world markets and provide diversification in several categories. The goal of this portfolio is to provide superior returns for investors with as little risk as possible. THIS PORTFOLIO TRADES IN: Corn, Wheat, Soybeans, Crude Oil, Gold, and the Dollar Index. 
MarketClub's GLOBAL STRATEGY PORTFOLIO: This portfolio has been designed to take advantage of moves and provide diversification in global markets. The goal of this portfolio is to provide protection and good returns for investors who wish to use global markets to reduce risk. THIS PORTFOLIO TRADES: 5 ETFs that track the following markets and countries: Brazil (EWZ), Russia (RSX), India (EPI), China (FXI), and Australia (EWA). 
MarketClub's PERFECT "R" PORTFOLIO: This portfolio has been designed to build (or even rebuild) retirement accounts by investing in four major and diversified markets. The goal of this portfolio is to provide protection and good returns for 401(k) and IRA accounts with as little risk as possible. THIS PORTFOLIO TRADES: 4 ETFs that track the following markets: gold (GLD), oil (USO), S&P 500 (SPY), and the US Dollar (FXE).

These portfolios have been researched and prepared to provide you with strategies that are easily executable and will help your portfolio grow and prosper in the years ahead.
Now for the good news, these portfolios come not from a brokerage company, but from MarketClub, a leading online educational resource for traders and investors worldwide.
You can access the reports that accompany these portfolios with our compliments in the next 48 hours. After that time only members of MarketClub will have access.
Every success,
Adam Hewison
President of
Co-founder of MarketClub

P.S. MarketClub is powered by and has been doing business on the internet for the past 15 years. We are not affiliated with any brokerage companies or any Wall Street firms.

Grab your embeddable video player for "The Ultimate Price Target For Gold!" here:

A little while ago I made a video that projected some amazing levels for gold. Given the strong upward trend in gold and the price action on Tuesday the 5th of October, it is worthwhile looking at this video again:
                  This short video, will certainly give you some interesting price targetsfor gold that are based on sound trading principles. I hope you enjoy the video,and as always we would love to have your feedback on our blog.

               The video is free to watch and there are no registration on the link to see the video.

Bulletproof Your Retirement Account And Protect Your Nest Egg.

If you are looking to retire in the next 10, 15, or even 20 years, it's
time to have a strategy in place before it's too late.

Now is the time to plan and protect your family's future by turning your
portfolio into the financial fortress that you're counting on in the
years to come.

In today's short video, I share with you a way to bulletproof your
retirement portfolio.
You may remember when we launched the "Perfect Portfolio" some months
ago. This portfolio was very popular, but many of you told me that it
would not work within your retirement accounts. With this in mind, I
specifically designed the "Perfect 'R' Portfolio" to work with your
401(k) or IRA account.

The "Perfect 'R' Portfolio" uses an easy to follow MarketClub strategy
that I developed using my many years of investing experience as a former
floor trader and member of four major exchanges.
For most investors, this report will come as a real wake-up call. For
your own sake, I hope that you are one of them.

In this report, I share with you all the rules and results which explain
how the "Perfect 'R' Portfolio" was created, how it actually works, and
how it can work for you. As a bonus, I have included a special
certificate that will give you instant access to MarketClub for the next
30 days.
With complete access to MarketClub and my foolproof strategy, you can
see and verify for yourself that everything in the report is 100% accurate.

Download this report today and see how you can easily use this
information to bulletproof your retirement account ... no matter what
happens to the economy.
Every success,
Adam Hewison
President of
Co-founder of MarketClub

Want to trade like Adam? Click here for FREE lessons.

         Grab your embeddable video player for "This Reliable S&P Formation Could Make You Money!".I have just finished a short video on the S&P 500 that I believe is worth watching. In this video I detail out a particular chart formation that has proven to be very reliable in the past. If I'm right, we could see a further move and run in the S&P500 to the upside.

              The video is free to watch and there are no registration requirements.

                                    Click below to see the video.