Sultan of Currencies in the New Market Wizard. He was for eight years Salomon Brothers most successful forex trader.
“Missing an opportunity is as bad as being on the wrong side of a trade. Some people say (after they have the opportunity to realize a profit) ‘I was only playing with the market's money’. That's the most ridiculous thing I ever heard.”
“When you're in a losing streak, your ability to properly assimilate and analyze information starts to become distorted because of the impairment of the confidence factor, which is a by-product of a losing streak. You have to work very hard to restore that confidence, and cutting back trading size helps achieve that goal.”
“I don't have a problem letting my profits run, which many traders do. You have to be able to let your profits run. I don't think you can consistently be a winner trading if you're banking on being right more than 50 percent of the time. You have to figure out how to make money by being right only 20 to 30 percent of the time.”
“Successful traders constantly ask themselves: What am I doing right? What am I doing wrong? How can I do what I am doing better? How can I get more information? Courage is a quality important to excel as a trader. It's not enough to simply have the insight to see something apart from the rest of the crowd, you also need to have the courage to act on it and stay with it.”
“It's very difficult to be different from the rest of the crowd the majority of the time, which by definition is what you're doing if you're a successful trader.”
“So many people want the positive rewards of being a successful trader without being willing to go through the commitment and pain. And there's a lot of pain.”
“Avoid the temptation of wanting to be completely right."
Messages By Trader William Eckhardt
Partner of Richard Dennis, perhaps the best-known futures speculator of our time. Created the famous trading group known as the Turtles. William has averaged over 62 percent return.
“I take the point of view that missing an important trade is a much more serious error than making a bad trade”.
“Buying on retracement is psychologically seductive because you feel you're getting a bargain versus the price you saw a while ago. However, I feel that approach contains more than a drop of poison.”
“You shouldn't plan to risk more than 2 percent on a trade. Although, of course, you could still lose more if the market gaps beyond your intended point of exit.”
“I haven't seen much correlation between good trading and intelligence. Some outstanding traders are quite intelligent, but a few aren't. Many outstanding intelligent people are horrible traders. Average intelligence is enough. Beyond that, emotional makeup is more important.”
“The answer to the question of whether trading can be taught has to be an unqualified yes. Anyone with average intelligence can learn to trade. This is not rocket science.”
“If you bring normal human habits and tendencies to trading, you'll gravitate toward the majority and inevitably lose.”
”Watch idly while profit-taking opportunities arise, but in adversity run like a jackrabbit.”
“One adage that is completely wrongheaded is that you can't go broke taking profits. That's precisely how many traders do go broke. While amateurs go broke taking large losses, professionals go broke by taking small profits.”
“What feels good is often the wrong thing to do.”
“Human nature does not operate to maximize gain but rather to maximize the chance of a gain. The desire to maximize the number of winning trades (or minimize the number of losing trades) works against the trader. The success rate of trades is the least important performance statistic and may even be inversely related to performance.”
“Two of the cardinal sins of trading - giving losses too much rope and taking profits prematurely - are both attempts to make current positions more likely to succeed, to the severe detriment of long-term performance.”
“Don't think about what the market's going to do; you have absolutely no control over that. Think about what you're going to do if it gets there.”
“It is a common notion that after you have profits from your original equity, you can start taking even greater risks because now you are playing with ‘their money’. We are sure you have heard this. Once you have profit, you're playing with ‘their money’. It's a comforting thought. It certainly can't be as bad to lose ‘their money’ as ‘yours’? Right? Wrong. Why should it matter whom the money used to belong to? What matters is who it belongs to now and what to do about it. And in this case it all belongs to you."
Messages By Trader Marty Schwartz
Marty has scored enormous percentage gains in every year since he turned full time trader in 1979. He has done so without ever losing more than 3 percent of his equity on a month-end to month-end basis. In the US Investing Championships held by StanfordUniversity Marty’s performance was nothing short of astounding. In nine of the ten four-month championships he entered, he made more money than all the other traders combined. His average return in these nine contests was 210 percent - non annualized! In his single entry in a one-year contest, he scored a 781 percent return. "I turned from a loser to a winner when I was able to separate my ego needs from making money. When I was able to accept being wrong. Before that, admitting I was wrong was more upsetting than losing the money.”
“When I became a winner I went from 'I figured it out, therefore it can't be wrong' to 'I figured it out, but if I'm wrong, I'm getting the hell out, because I want to save my money and go on to the next trade.”
“By living the philosophy that my winners are always in front of me, it is not so painful to take a loss. If I make a mistake, so what! “
“Before taking a position always know the amount you are willing to lose.”
“The most important thing is money management, money management, money management. Anybody who is successful will tell you the same thing.”
“I always take my losses quickly. That is probably the key to my success.”
“The best advice I can give to the ordinary guy trying to become a better trader is Learn to take losses. The most important thing in making money is not letting your losses get out of hand."
Messages By Trader Bruce Kovner
Bruce may well be the world's largest trader in the inter-bank currency and futures markets. In 1987 he scored profits in excess of $300 million for himself and the fortunate investors in his funds. Two thousand dollars invested with Kovner in early 1978 was worth over $1,000,000 ten years later.
“Michael Marcus taught me one other thing that is absolutely critical: You have to be willing to make mistakes regularly; there is nothing wrong with it. Michael taught me about making your best judgment, being wrong, making your next best judgment, being wrong, making your third best judgment, and then doubling your money.”
“Whenever I enter a position, I have a predetermined stop. That is the only way I can sleep. I know where I'm getting out before I get in. The position size on a trade is determined by the stop, and the stop is determined on a technical basis. I never think about other people who may be using the same stop, because the market shouldn't go there if I am right."
Messages By Trader Paul Tudor Jones
Paul has accomplished what many thought impossible: combined five consecutive, triple-digit return years with very low equity retracement. Took a $1.5 million account in 1984 to $330 million account in 1988.
“That cotton trade was almost the deal breaker for me. It was at that point that I said, ‘Mr. Stupid, why risk everything on one trade? Why not make your life a pursuit of happiness rather than pain?’"
“I had to learn discipline and money management. I decided that I was going to become very disciplined and businesslike about my trading.”
“I spend my day trying to make myself as happy and relaxed as I can be. If I have positions going against me, I get right out; if they are going for me, I keep them.”
“I am always thinking about losing money as opposed to making money. Don't focus on making money; focus on protecting what you have."
Messages By Trader Van Tharp
Van Tharp was also featured in Jack Schwagers Market Wizards. He wrote what by now is one of the trading classics.
"You do not have a trading system unless you know exactly when you will get out of the market position at the time you enter it.”
“Your worst-case exit, which is designed to preserve your capital, should be determined ahead of time.”
“In addition, you should also have some idea about how you plan to take profits and a strategy for letting your profits run.”
“People avoid looking for good exits because exits do not give them control over the market. However, exits do control something. They control whether you make a profit or a loss, and they control just how big that profit or loss will be. Since they do so much, perhaps they are worthy of a lot more study on the part of most people.”
“There are a lot of problems to solve with exits. If the worst case does not happen (i.e., so you don't get stopped out), then the job of your system is to allow you to make the most profit possible and give the least amount of it back. Only your exits do this!”
“There are many different classifications of exits other than your initial stop loss. These include exits that produce a loss but reduce your initial risk, exits that maximize profits, and exits that keep you from giving back too much money, and psychological exits.”
“In order to maximize your profits (let them run), you must be willing to give some of them back.”
“In fact, the ironic part of system design is if you want to maximize profits, you must be willing to give back a great deal of the profits you have already accumulated.”
“You can't make money if you're not willing to lose. It's like breathing in, but not being willing to breathe out. Various types of exits will help you do this (i.e., breathe fully), including trailing stops and the percent retracement stop.”
“There are four general categories of exits: 1. Exits that make your initial loss smaller; 2. Exits that maximize your profits; 3. Exits that minimize how much profit you give back; and 4. Psychological Exits.”
“Psychological factors always come into play in any sort of trading.”
“When you enter a position it is essential to know the point at which you will get out of the position in order to preserve your capital.”
“If you are risking over 3 percent of your trading capital then you are a 'gunslinger' and had better understand the risk you are taking for the reward you seek.”
“My first advice to anyone is to look to yourself as the source of everything that happens in your life.”
“Make a list of everything that can go wrong and determine how you will respond to that situation. That will be the key to your success - knowing how to respond to the unexpected."
Messages By Trader Tom Baldwin
Left a managerial job at a meatpacking plant with $25,000 in hand and now trades up to $2 billion worth of T-bond futures in a day.
“The best traders have no ego. To be a great trader, you have to have a big enough ego in the sense that you have confidence in yourself. You cannot let ego get in the way of a trade that is a loser; you have to swallow your pride and get out.”
"I turned from a loser to a winner when I was able to separate my ego needs from making money. When I was able to accept being wrong. Before that, admitting I was wrong was more upsetting than losing the money.”
“When I became a winner I went from 'I figured it out, therefore it can't be wrong' to 'I figured it out, but if I'm wrong, I'm getting the hell out, because I want to save my money and go on to the next trade.'”
“By living the philosophy that my winners are always in front of me, it is not so painful to take a loss. If I make a mistake, so what!”
“My attitude is: Never risk your family's security.”
“Whenever you get hit, you are very upset emotionally. Most traders try to make it back immediately; they try to play bigger. Whenever you try to get all your losses back at once, you are most often doomed to fail.”
“After a devastating loss, I always play very small and try to get black ink, black ink. It's not how much money I make, but just getting my rhythm and confidence back.”
“Before taking a position always know the amount you are willing to lose.”
”The most important thing is money management, money management, money management. Anybody who is successful will tell you the same thing.”
“I always take my losses quickly. That is probably the key to my success.”
“The best advice I can give to the ordinary guy trying to become a better trader is Learn to take losses. The most important thing in making money is not letting your losses get out of hand."
Messages By Trader David Ryan
In 1982 he began working for William O'Neil and in 1985 achieved a degree of fame when he won the US Investing Championships. For the three years as a whole his compounded return was a remarkable 1,379 percent.
“The more disciplined you can get, the better you are going to do in the market. The more you listen to tips and rumors, the more money you're likely to lose.”
“My percentage of winners is only about 50/50, because I cut my losers very quickly. The maximum loss I allow is 7 percent, and usually I am out of a losing stock a lot quicker. I make my money on the few stocks a year that double and triple in price. The profits in those trades easily makes up for all the small losers.”
“If you really think the stock is going to make a big move - and that should be the only reason you are buying the stock to begin with - then there is no reason to haggle over an eighth of a point. Just buy the stock. The same thing applies to the downside; if you think the stock is going to drop, just sell it.”
“The single most important advice I can give anybody is: Learn from your mistakes. That is the only way to become a successful trader. “
Messages By Trader William O'Neil
In 1962 he turned an initial $5,000 investment into $200,000, original Market Wizard.
“My philosophy is that all stocks are bad. There are no good stocks unless they go up in price. If they go down instead, you have to cut your losses fast.”
“The secret for winning in the stock market does not include being right all the time. “
Messages By Trader Ed Seykota
Realized an astounding 250,000 % return on his accounts over 16 years. Normalized for withdrawals, the account theoretically was up several million percent.
“I prefer not to dwell on past situations. I tend to cut bad trades as soon as possible, forget them, and then move on to new opportunities.”
“The elements of good trading are: 1. Cutting losses, 2. Cutting losses, and 3. Cutting losses. If you can follow these three rules, you may have a chance. “
“I set protective stops at the same time I enter a trade. I normally move these stops in to lock in a profit as the trend continues.”
“I intend to risk below 5 percent on a trade, allowing for poor executions.”
“The trading rules I live by are: 1. Cut losses. 2. Ride winners. 3. Keep bets small. 4. Follow the rules without question. 5. Know when to break the rules. “
Messages By Trader Gary Bielfeldt
Starting with $1,000 and only able to trade one contract, his success (trading size) became so great that he had grown to the point that government established speculative limits became an impediment to his trading.
“The most important thing is to have a method for staying with your winners and getting rid of your losers.”
“By having thought out your objective and having a strategy for getting out in case the market trend changes, you greatly increase the potential for staying in your winning positions. “
“The traits of a successful trader: The most important is discipline - I am sure everyone says that. Second, you have to have patience; if you have a good trade on, you have to be able to stay with it. Third, you need courage to go into the market, and courage comes from adequate capitalization. Fourth, you must have a willingness to lose; that is also related to adequate capitalization. Fifth, you need a strong desire to win.”
“You have to have the attitude that if a trade losses, you can handle it without any problem and come back to do the next trade. You can't let a losing trade get to you emotionally.”
“If a trade doesn't look right, I get out and take a small loss. “
Messages By Trader Edwin Lefevre
Real name Jesse Livermore. He wrote the all time classic 'How to Trade in Stocks'. One of the old breeds, he became one of the most successful traders of all times.
“It was the same with all. They would not take a small loss at first but had held on, in the hope of a recovery that would ‘let them out even’. And prices had sunk and sunk until the loss was so great that it seemed only proper to hold on, if need be a year, for sooner or later prices must come back. But the break "shook them out," and prices just went so much lower because so many people had to sell, whether they would or not.”
“The spectator's chief enemies are always boring from within. It is inseparable from human nature to hope and to fear. In speculation when the market goes against you, you hope that every day will be the last day -- and you lose more than you should had you not listened to hope -- to the same ally that is so potent a success-bringer to empire builders and pioneers, big and little.
And when the market goes your way you become fearful that the next day will take away your profit, and you get out -- to soon. Fear keeps you from making as much money as you ought to. The successful trader has to fight these two deep-seated instincts. He has to reverse what you might call his natural impulses. Instead of hoping he must fear; instead of fearing he must hope. He must fear that his loss may develop into a much bigger loss, and hope that his profit may become a big profit.”
“It never was my thinking that made big money for me. It was always my sitting. Got that? My sitting tight! “
Messages By Trader George Soros
On Black Wednesday (September 16, 1992), Soros became immediately famous when he sold short more than $10 billion worth of pounds, profiting from the Bank of England's reluctance to either raise its interest rates to levels comparable to those of other European Exchange Rate Mechanism countries or to float its currency.
Finally, the Bank of England was forced to withdraw the currency out of the European Exchange Rate Mechanism and to devalue the pound sterling, and Soros earned an estimated US$ 1.1 billion in the process. He was dubbed "the man who broke the Bank of England".
"I am no better than the next trader, just quicker at realizing my losses and moving on to the next trade."
Can Forex Scams Be Avoided?
What is a Scam: A confidence trick, confidence game, or con for short (also known as a scam) is an attempt to intentionally mislead a person or persons (known as the mark) usually with the goal of financial or other gain. The confidence trickster, con man, scam artist or con artist often works with an accomplice called the shill, who tries to encourage the mark by pretending to believe the trickster.
Whenever there is an opportunity to make large amounts of money, there will be people who are eager to jump right in and start making money. And where there are people who are eager to get rich quick with a minimum of effort on their part, there are fraudsters waiting to take their money. Experienced traders are wise enough to avoid the frauds – it’s the new traders who are most vulnerable to the forex scams that are slipping into the currency exchange market.
The U.S. CFTC (Commodity Futures Trading Commission), which regulates futures and commodities trading, warns new investors to be wary of frauds and scams that promise huge profits from your investments, in and out of the Forex market. The CFTC has issued several Consumer Fraud Alerts in connection with foreign currency trading. They offer the following tips to help you avoid being scammed.
“I made $1900 in one minute!” touts one sidebar ad for a Forex trading company. Ads that promise high returns on small investments with little or no risk to you are tempting bait. The fact is that while there are certainly big profits to be made in forex, there are correspondingly large losses. And most novice traders drop out of active trading by the end of their first year because they can’t afford the risk.
Before you part with a penny, thoroughly check out the company or trader you’re planning to do business with. Check the CFTC’s consumer fraud alert page. Check to see if the company is registered with the CFTC, or is a member of the National Futures Association. Check to see if there’s any disciplinary action against the firm or company. Get even more basic. Get a valid address and telephone number, and verify that it belongs to the company. Check to be sure the person you’re dealing with actually works for the company. Especially if you’re doing business on the Internet, it’s very easy for a scammer to fake credentials.
The Internet has made it incredibly easy for scammers to operate. It only costs $6.95 a month to have a professional looking web site hosted – that’s pennies a day to reach millions of potential marks. Before you part with credit card numbers, bank account transfer permissions or wire transfers, be sure to check out the company with all the authorities listed above.
Legitimate dealers don’t need to contact you with unsolicited email, or pressure you into doing business with them. If someone is pushing you to invest right now, tonight, this moment, it should set off huge warning signals in your head. A real dealer is more concerned with keeping you as a customer for the long haul. He’ll be patient while you check out his credentials and reputation. A phony dealer can’t afford that luxury – he needs to get you on the hook right now, or risk losing his score.
The interbank market is a term for a loose network of currency traders that include banks, financial institutions and large corporations. Fraudulent currency trading firms often tell customers that they’ll trade for them on the interbank market where the prices are better. It should be a warning signal to you to stay away.
While technically not ‘scams’, you should also be wary of paying good money for training courses that promise you systems that are ‘guaranteed’ to earn you high profits. If the course advertises that their system will earn you huge profits with minimal risk, or guarantee you 40% return on your money in six weeks, take the promises with a huge grain of salt. Experienced traders understand that the forex market is a time market – while it’s possible to make large amounts of money in short-term trades, finding those profitable trades is a matter of being in the right place at the right time… which means putting in the time and the effort to be there.
They also understand that they’ll lose more often than they win – the trick is to keep your losses short and your profits long. Any company that guarantees that you’ll make a profit on all or most of your profits is coloring their advertising. Stick with trusted companies whose credentials you can verify and whose background you can check.
Always remember that if it sounds to go to be probably is...
Whenever there is an opportunity to make large amounts of money, there will be people who are eager to jump right in and start making money. And where there are people who are eager to get rich quick with a minimum of effort on their part, there are fraudsters waiting to take their money. Experienced traders are wise enough to avoid the frauds – it’s the new traders who are most vulnerable to the forex scams that are slipping into the currency exchange market.
The U.S. CFTC (Commodity Futures Trading Commission), which regulates futures and commodities trading, warns new investors to be wary of frauds and scams that promise huge profits from your investments, in and out of the Forex market. The CFTC has issued several Consumer Fraud Alerts in connection with foreign currency trading. They offer the following tips to help you avoid being scammed.
“I made $1900 in one minute!” touts one sidebar ad for a Forex trading company. Ads that promise high returns on small investments with little or no risk to you are tempting bait. The fact is that while there are certainly big profits to be made in forex, there are correspondingly large losses. And most novice traders drop out of active trading by the end of their first year because they can’t afford the risk.
Before you part with a penny, thoroughly check out the company or trader you’re planning to do business with. Check the CFTC’s consumer fraud alert page. Check to see if the company is registered with the CFTC, or is a member of the National Futures Association. Check to see if there’s any disciplinary action against the firm or company. Get even more basic. Get a valid address and telephone number, and verify that it belongs to the company. Check to be sure the person you’re dealing with actually works for the company. Especially if you’re doing business on the Internet, it’s very easy for a scammer to fake credentials.
The Internet has made it incredibly easy for scammers to operate. It only costs $6.95 a month to have a professional looking web site hosted – that’s pennies a day to reach millions of potential marks. Before you part with credit card numbers, bank account transfer permissions or wire transfers, be sure to check out the company with all the authorities listed above.
Legitimate dealers don’t need to contact you with unsolicited email, or pressure you into doing business with them. If someone is pushing you to invest right now, tonight, this moment, it should set off huge warning signals in your head. A real dealer is more concerned with keeping you as a customer for the long haul. He’ll be patient while you check out his credentials and reputation. A phony dealer can’t afford that luxury – he needs to get you on the hook right now, or risk losing his score.
The interbank market is a term for a loose network of currency traders that include banks, financial institutions and large corporations. Fraudulent currency trading firms often tell customers that they’ll trade for them on the interbank market where the prices are better. It should be a warning signal to you to stay away.
While technically not ‘scams’, you should also be wary of paying good money for training courses that promise you systems that are ‘guaranteed’ to earn you high profits. If the course advertises that their system will earn you huge profits with minimal risk, or guarantee you 40% return on your money in six weeks, take the promises with a huge grain of salt. Experienced traders understand that the forex market is a time market – while it’s possible to make large amounts of money in short-term trades, finding those profitable trades is a matter of being in the right place at the right time… which means putting in the time and the effort to be there.
They also understand that they’ll lose more often than they win – the trick is to keep your losses short and your profits long. Any company that guarantees that you’ll make a profit on all or most of your profits is coloring their advertising. Stick with trusted companies whose credentials you can verify and whose background you can check.
Always remember that if it sounds to go to be probably is...
Overtrading: A Common Mistake.
Overtrading is one of the biggest causes why traders never make it in the financial markets. With a click of a button, a trader can place a trade anytime he wants. It takes tremendous discipline to hold yourself back from overtrading. There are many reasons why one may choose to overtrade.
1. Traders without a plan
Traders without a plan are my favorite type of traders because they will always lose. Without a plan, how would one know when to take a trade and when not to? Having a trading plan is a necessity. I can not trade if I do not have a plan for the day. I feel lost without one.
2. Revenge trading
Many new traders become tilted after a loss or a string of losses. This causes them to revenge trade just to break even. This often leads to reckless trading forcing a trade when opportunity is low.
3. Chasing the markets
A lot of new traders feel more pain when they have missed a move than an actual loss. This is why new traders love to chase the markets. If price has moved away from your projected entry point, let it go. There are plenty of more opportunities. Chasing is one of the worst habits a trader can have. Not only does it offer you low rewards, it also gives you a horrible entry and alters your stop loss placement. Always think about the risk before the profits.
When you have a plan to follow, it is easy to filter out bad trades from good one. This keeps you discipline and selective in your trades. I personally do not like trading more than 5 roundtrips a day. Patience is a virtue. There are always good high probability trading opportunities everyday. Just sit tight and don't jump the gun.
One way to control a loss is by reducing your size. The problem with gamblers is that they will often double up their stake so they can get even quicker. This usually leads to a greater loss and devastation. Having the strength to grind your way back from a loss is important in trading. Whenever I am having a losing streak, I will trade small and gradually recover. This also gives me the confidence I need after a string of losses.
1. Traders without a plan
Traders without a plan are my favorite type of traders because they will always lose. Without a plan, how would one know when to take a trade and when not to? Having a trading plan is a necessity. I can not trade if I do not have a plan for the day. I feel lost without one.
2. Revenge trading
Many new traders become tilted after a loss or a string of losses. This causes them to revenge trade just to break even. This often leads to reckless trading forcing a trade when opportunity is low.
3. Chasing the markets
A lot of new traders feel more pain when they have missed a move than an actual loss. This is why new traders love to chase the markets. If price has moved away from your projected entry point, let it go. There are plenty of more opportunities. Chasing is one of the worst habits a trader can have. Not only does it offer you low rewards, it also gives you a horrible entry and alters your stop loss placement. Always think about the risk before the profits.
When you have a plan to follow, it is easy to filter out bad trades from good one. This keeps you discipline and selective in your trades. I personally do not like trading more than 5 roundtrips a day. Patience is a virtue. There are always good high probability trading opportunities everyday. Just sit tight and don't jump the gun.
One way to control a loss is by reducing your size. The problem with gamblers is that they will often double up their stake so they can get even quicker. This usually leads to a greater loss and devastation. Having the strength to grind your way back from a loss is important in trading. Whenever I am having a losing streak, I will trade small and gradually recover. This also gives me the confidence I need after a string of losses.
5 Tips To Avoid The Online Currency Trading Trap.
Online currency trading in increasing in popularity and with it comes the good, the bad and the “you know what.” Like any business venture there are people out there waiting to take advantage of you and people who genuinely want to help.
Some people hocking learn to trade packages are internet marketers riding the wave of a hot market in search of profits, while others are season professionals looking to create a win-win scenario for you.
So what do you do?
Here are 5 simple thoughts to keep in mind as your search for your Forex education online:
1. The Forex Education Program Itself
You want to make an assessment of the Forex education program’s approach to learning and ensure it matches your style. Some people can learn by reading a book (very few!), while other require a more structured hand holding approach. Some like a classroom environment, while others want to learn live and online.
Make sure you have access to live instructors, this will be your life-line when things get tough. Bottom line; If it resonates with you, then it most likely will fit and you will learn.
2. Guarantee Needs to be Real
Make sure the Forex education program you consider offers an adequate guarantee. Some programs out there offer only a 2-week trial for big dollar training packages. The refund period should be appropriate for the cost and 30-days at a minimum. The guarantee should provide adequate time to evaluate the product or service and then some.
On the flip side of the coin, if the guarantee is acceptable and you have not acted to properly evaluate the product or service within the time frame you should evaluate your own position to determine if you are ready for the training.
No Forex education product or service will make you money sitting on the self.
3. Coaching Required
We all need a coach. Yes, all the information you need to become a successful trader is online. Great, where do you start and how much money are you willing to lose separating the good information from the bad, let alone implementing this vast resource of information?
Any person who participates in activities that require peak performance in order to achieve success (Forex trading qualifies!) needs a coach. Make sure your Forex education includes programs that have individual or group coaching as part of the package. Nothing will accelerate learning like live interaction and mentorship. Don’t fall for the go it alone approach.
4. Establish Your Goals Prior to Learning
Ensure your personal goals are congruent with your Forex education goals. Be clear on why you want to learn Forex trading and what you want to get out of your training. Clarity will ensure the investment in your Forex education will be profitable.
Trading is all about personal responsibility. There is an old Buddhist saying that when you are ready to lean the teacher will appear. Remember, you are 80% of the success equation.
5. Fast Profits Beware!
If any Forex education product or service promises fast money, don’t think; just run away as fast as possible. Forex trading is a process that has to be learned like any other profession. Profitable Forex education will never focus on the money, the curriculum will be established entirely around learning the Process of Forex Trading.
The only Holy Grail in Forex trading lies in the six inch space between your ears. Learn the process and the money will take care of itself!
When done right, Forex trading should be an almost boring repeatable process. In fact the most valuable investment you will ever make is the one in yourself. Your Forex education will determine whether you eventually achieve your financial goals or not.
Remember, there is no such thing as failure there is only feedback. Keeping these tips in mind when searching for your Forex education product or service will allow you find a partner in your success.
Some people hocking learn to trade packages are internet marketers riding the wave of a hot market in search of profits, while others are season professionals looking to create a win-win scenario for you.
So what do you do?
Here are 5 simple thoughts to keep in mind as your search for your Forex education online:
1. The Forex Education Program Itself
You want to make an assessment of the Forex education program’s approach to learning and ensure it matches your style. Some people can learn by reading a book (very few!), while other require a more structured hand holding approach. Some like a classroom environment, while others want to learn live and online.
Make sure you have access to live instructors, this will be your life-line when things get tough. Bottom line; If it resonates with you, then it most likely will fit and you will learn.
2. Guarantee Needs to be Real
Make sure the Forex education program you consider offers an adequate guarantee. Some programs out there offer only a 2-week trial for big dollar training packages. The refund period should be appropriate for the cost and 30-days at a minimum. The guarantee should provide adequate time to evaluate the product or service and then some.
On the flip side of the coin, if the guarantee is acceptable and you have not acted to properly evaluate the product or service within the time frame you should evaluate your own position to determine if you are ready for the training.
No Forex education product or service will make you money sitting on the self.
3. Coaching Required
We all need a coach. Yes, all the information you need to become a successful trader is online. Great, where do you start and how much money are you willing to lose separating the good information from the bad, let alone implementing this vast resource of information?
Any person who participates in activities that require peak performance in order to achieve success (Forex trading qualifies!) needs a coach. Make sure your Forex education includes programs that have individual or group coaching as part of the package. Nothing will accelerate learning like live interaction and mentorship. Don’t fall for the go it alone approach.
4. Establish Your Goals Prior to Learning
Ensure your personal goals are congruent with your Forex education goals. Be clear on why you want to learn Forex trading and what you want to get out of your training. Clarity will ensure the investment in your Forex education will be profitable.
Trading is all about personal responsibility. There is an old Buddhist saying that when you are ready to lean the teacher will appear. Remember, you are 80% of the success equation.
5. Fast Profits Beware!
If any Forex education product or service promises fast money, don’t think; just run away as fast as possible. Forex trading is a process that has to be learned like any other profession. Profitable Forex education will never focus on the money, the curriculum will be established entirely around learning the Process of Forex Trading.
The only Holy Grail in Forex trading lies in the six inch space between your ears. Learn the process and the money will take care of itself!
When done right, Forex trading should be an almost boring repeatable process. In fact the most valuable investment you will ever make is the one in yourself. Your Forex education will determine whether you eventually achieve your financial goals or not.
Remember, there is no such thing as failure there is only feedback. Keeping these tips in mind when searching for your Forex education product or service will allow you find a partner in your success.
14 Rules of Successful Forex Trading.
Being a successful Forex trader takes more then just having money, time and desire. The more you realize it, the better are your chances of making it big in this wonderful business.
Throughout the years I learned many valuable lessons that today I apply to my Forex trading. Here are some of these lessons. I hope you don’t take them lightly, I guarantee you that these are true gems product of trial and error (something I hope to shorten for you!).
1. Your psychological state of mind is more important than your dollars. Yes, that is correct. For example, entering a trade when you know you should not enter it and ultimately losing money on it will cause you a financial loss which hurts but can be recovered in the next trade or two. However, it will also cause you a psychological loss in the form of future fear and insecurity. This, will take more than one or two trades to recover!
2. This one is simple but you would not believe how many traders do not follow it. In bear markets sell the markets that show most weakness. Don’t try to outsmart the market. If the market is telling you "I am weak" don’t argue and just follow! If the market tells you "I am strong", BUY and continue BUYING!
3. Don't ever try to pick absolute tops and bottoms. I know of traders that have an addiction with this. They always look to pick the absolute bottom or top and ride the market on the reversal. They succeed one or twice but eventually suffer a big hit. If you can't help it and you want to try and look for those huge turning points in the market at least use some sort of confirmation. Don't just guess "this is the top" or "this is the bottom".
4. Trading runs in cycles. There are good day and bad days, there are good weeks and bad weeks, there are good months and bad months. Don’t let a bad day, week, or month put you down. Learn not to measure results in the very short term. Many traders give up after having three or four bad days. Don’t! Know that its part of the business. Hang in there, manage your money well, be persistent and I promise you it will pay off!
5. Remember what type of trader you are and follow the rules of that specific method of trading. For example, if you are a day trader it would be wise to ignore the fundamental picture. It would also be wise to analyze and trade with the appropriate time frames. Also, select a broker that offers tight spreads, provides good order fills and guaranteed stop losses (all important for effective day trading). If you are a swing trader it is important you look at the much bigger picture. Sometimes fundamental market data can come in handy (although I personally prefer to look at the technical picture alone). Learn to be patient, both in terms of your profit target being reached and entering trades (for swing traders it can be weeks with no trade signals).
6. KEEP IT SIMPLE! Don't think that the more indicators and patterns you use the more profitable you will be. My trading strategies are simple BUT original. I learned through time that the true gems in the market originate from simplicity. This is an important concept, don’t dismiss it.
7. Never ever add to a losing position. I think this is one of the biggest "diseases" traders have. A stop loss is like a red light, it's not a suggestion. It tells you to get out of the market not to add more money to the trade. It simply makes me angry to see people adding money to a losing position. It has no justification except one. HOPE! They don’t say "gee, I was wrong and should have exited in my stop loss level", they say "I am correct about the direction of the market, it's just that my stop loss was placed to close to my entry. If I hang in there and add more money the trade will surely go my way and I will not only make for the loss but I will make much more since now I am adding to my position at a much better price!".
8. Be patient with your profit targets. I know it is very tempting to grab the profits in a winning position before the profit objective is reached. There is a fear the market will turn around and the trade will become a loser. Be disciplined. There is a reason your profit objective is where it is. You did your homework before entering the trade and the profit objective you decided on justifies the trade in terms of risk/reward. Frequently take profits before the profit objectives are reached will destroy your whole risk/reward ratio and will finally be the difference between success and failure.
9. 95% of traders are not disciplined and that is why they do not succeed. They always know better than their system, they always know better then what the market is telling them. Be amongst the 5% disciplined traders and I guarantee you will be light years ahead of the crowd.
10. Think, analyze, and create BEFORE the trade. During the trade only follow what you though, analyzed and created before the trade. Before you enter the trade you are cool and balanced, you are thinking logically. During the trade you are under fire since money is involved. You are under pressure. What makes you think that you can make better decisions under intense fire then when you are calm and balanced? You can't. That is why you planned the trade before hand. Follow your plan!
11. Don’t favor sides. Trading is about recognizing long and short opportunities. Many people have the problem of shorting. They have the problem of profiting when the market is going down. They are taught through life that you make money when markets go up. As a currency trader you don't care if the currency market is going up or down, if there is an opportunity to make money you take it, that’s your job.
12. Trade a method that fits your personality. If you are like me and like hearing the cash register ring often then use day trading strategies. If you don’t mind waiting for profits to accumulate over time then consider using swing trading strategies. This is very important. Trade with what best suits your character. Be true with yourself and recognize what are your needs. My need is the gratification that frequent profits provide, no matter how small. It keeps me going.
13. As forex traders we can never know what price is to "low" and what price is to "high". Don’t be afraid to join a trend. I know that psychologically this can be difficult sometimes. You are always afraid that you will be entering the trend at it's end. This rule is important but must not be followed blindly but rather smartly. Suppose you are day trading the EUR/USD. You know that the average daily range of the pair is 90 or 100 pips. If your system is telling you to go long at a point where the market has already moved 80 pips and place a profit objective of 50 pips, would that be a smart move? Obviously not.
14. Know the personality of the currency you are trading. Each currency pair has its own individual "personality". This can be in terms of volatility, spread, average daily range, liquidity, specific patterns etc. Use trading strategies that go hand in hand with the characteristics of the currency pair.
That's it.
Remember, 95% of traders don’t follow these rules. Be amongst the unique that do and use a good trading method/system. Your success will come faster than you think.
I wish you all the best.
Written by Avi Frister - Veteran Forex Trader
5 Tips for Trading During Volatile Markets.
Increased volatility leads many traders to seeing an increase in trading opportunities. The huge market swings trigger thoughts of monumental upside, but also for potential loss especially if traders do not take the necessary precautions. During times of volatility, traders need to adjust their strategy to compensate for erratic market. When trading during these market conditions, traders should follow the rules below.
1. Be More Selective Before Placing Trade
Wanting to take advantage of all the trading opportunities that present themselves in volatile markets, traders are tempted to place an increase number of trades. This temptation should be avoided. It is important to remember that in volatile times, losses are likely to be big. Before placing a trading, assess risk tolerance levels. Determine the level of risk that is acceptable for the trader both psychologically and financially before placing any trades.
2. Use Less Leverage
During high market volatility, losses can be traumatic. With the average trading range increased in volatile times traders should be considering how leverage will affect trades. At a one percent or even a half percent margin, investors should be mindful of how much leverage or even the size position being traded can affect their portfolio. In normal market conditions, placing a 2 lot position is fine when you are looking to make about 50-100 pips. During a more volatile time, when the potential loss is 100-200 pips, it stops being an effective risk to reward ratio. To compensate traders should look to taking on smaller trading positions, in this case only one lot as opposed to the average 2 lot position.
3. Trade with More Discipline
Traders should always follow their predetermined trading strategy regardless of market condition. During volatile markets, this is even more important to use that same level of restraint. Traders must adhere to any set stops, contingency plans or risk management benchmarks without hesitation. This will help to define how much risk is taken should price action be uncontrollable. Without this level of discipline and self control losses can be great.
4. Tighten Stops
Many traders are hesitant to use tighter stops in volatile markets because they see the large swings increasing the likelihood that the position will be taken out. Having tighter stops can also provide great risk managers in times of extreme volatility. For example, on a EURUSD trade, rather than setting an 80 pip stop to protect your position, consider placing a 50-60 pip stop. This will insure the protection of your currency position and if the stop is broken, there is a high likelihood that the trend will continue lower and the stop took you out before you could potentially lose more money.
The width of the stop being set does depend on the currency pair being trading as some pairs have wider ranges. In a Yen cross like the GBPJPY or AUDJPY, traders may be more likely to have wider stops as their average daily range is 50% more than that of the EUR/USD. With that said, stops during volatile market conditions should not as wide as before. Instead of a stop 100 pips below entry, traders may consider a 25 pip reduction and have a 75 pip stop. Below is a chart showing the EURUSD and the GBPJPY on the same very volatile day in the forex market. The EURUSD had an impressive range of nearly 600 pips! The GBPJPY far dominated though with nearly a 2000 pip trading range.
5. Be Prepared
It also helps a trader to know what is causing the current spate of volatility in the markets in order to be prepared for the unexpected. As such, an investor can accommodate their strategy to the market environment and not just the currency pair being traded. The first of these considerations is accounting for emotions in a market: is fear currently driving the market lower? Or is it buyer's mania that is keeping the bullish tone alive? Traders' overreaction and emotion tend to push markets to overextended targets. This fact alone creates volatility through simple supply and demand.
Volatility can also, and more than likely will, be sparked by economic events. In this instance, market participants may interpret fundamental data differently and not as cut and dry as the more novice trader. A perfect example of this is usually monthly manufacturing reports that are released in pretty much all industrial economies. The classic scenario has the market honed in on a particular number for the month. However, traders young and old will sometimes wonder why the market sold off if manufacturing showed positive growth. The answer is simple. The market had a different interpretation and positions were violently reshaped and shifted. These tend to create great opportunities for some and horrible memories for others. Below is an hourly chart of the EUR/USD during ISM Manufacturing for October 1, 2008. Here we can see the huge price gap that occurred due to market volatility as well as the resulting trend.
Panic and erratic momentum can additionally be found in certain market environments. Not to be confused with fear or greed, panic selling and buying can create very choppy and relatively untradeable markets. These conditions will lead some to flip flop their positions while leaving others gaping at the fact that the position was right, only to be stopped out prematurely. These two common examples will create further panic and volatility as traders abandon their own individual strategy for the possibility of instant profits or stoppage revenge. As a result, a vicious cycle of volatility ensues until a definitive market direction can be established.
The simple rules above, and a task of getting to know the current trading environment, can empower every trader through the ranks. Although some relate volatility with difficult and untouchable markets, opportunities continue to remain abound in these less than attractive conditions to those focused and fortunate.
By following these five simple steps, trading in volatile market conditions should be a little simpler. Don't forget to adjust leverage based on volatility, follow your trading plan, tighten your stops and know why you are getting into a trade before you place it.
1. Be More Selective Before Placing Trade
Wanting to take advantage of all the trading opportunities that present themselves in volatile markets, traders are tempted to place an increase number of trades. This temptation should be avoided. It is important to remember that in volatile times, losses are likely to be big. Before placing a trading, assess risk tolerance levels. Determine the level of risk that is acceptable for the trader both psychologically and financially before placing any trades.
2. Use Less Leverage
During high market volatility, losses can be traumatic. With the average trading range increased in volatile times traders should be considering how leverage will affect trades. At a one percent or even a half percent margin, investors should be mindful of how much leverage or even the size position being traded can affect their portfolio. In normal market conditions, placing a 2 lot position is fine when you are looking to make about 50-100 pips. During a more volatile time, when the potential loss is 100-200 pips, it stops being an effective risk to reward ratio. To compensate traders should look to taking on smaller trading positions, in this case only one lot as opposed to the average 2 lot position.
3. Trade with More Discipline
Traders should always follow their predetermined trading strategy regardless of market condition. During volatile markets, this is even more important to use that same level of restraint. Traders must adhere to any set stops, contingency plans or risk management benchmarks without hesitation. This will help to define how much risk is taken should price action be uncontrollable. Without this level of discipline and self control losses can be great.
4. Tighten Stops
Many traders are hesitant to use tighter stops in volatile markets because they see the large swings increasing the likelihood that the position will be taken out. Having tighter stops can also provide great risk managers in times of extreme volatility. For example, on a EURUSD trade, rather than setting an 80 pip stop to protect your position, consider placing a 50-60 pip stop. This will insure the protection of your currency position and if the stop is broken, there is a high likelihood that the trend will continue lower and the stop took you out before you could potentially lose more money.
The width of the stop being set does depend on the currency pair being trading as some pairs have wider ranges. In a Yen cross like the GBPJPY or AUDJPY, traders may be more likely to have wider stops as their average daily range is 50% more than that of the EUR/USD. With that said, stops during volatile market conditions should not as wide as before. Instead of a stop 100 pips below entry, traders may consider a 25 pip reduction and have a 75 pip stop. Below is a chart showing the EURUSD and the GBPJPY on the same very volatile day in the forex market. The EURUSD had an impressive range of nearly 600 pips! The GBPJPY far dominated though with nearly a 2000 pip trading range.
It also helps a trader to know what is causing the current spate of volatility in the markets in order to be prepared for the unexpected. As such, an investor can accommodate their strategy to the market environment and not just the currency pair being traded. The first of these considerations is accounting for emotions in a market: is fear currently driving the market lower? Or is it buyer's mania that is keeping the bullish tone alive? Traders' overreaction and emotion tend to push markets to overextended targets. This fact alone creates volatility through simple supply and demand.
Volatility can also, and more than likely will, be sparked by economic events. In this instance, market participants may interpret fundamental data differently and not as cut and dry as the more novice trader. A perfect example of this is usually monthly manufacturing reports that are released in pretty much all industrial economies. The classic scenario has the market honed in on a particular number for the month. However, traders young and old will sometimes wonder why the market sold off if manufacturing showed positive growth. The answer is simple. The market had a different interpretation and positions were violently reshaped and shifted. These tend to create great opportunities for some and horrible memories for others. Below is an hourly chart of the EUR/USD during ISM Manufacturing for October 1, 2008. Here we can see the huge price gap that occurred due to market volatility as well as the resulting trend.
The simple rules above, and a task of getting to know the current trading environment, can empower every trader through the ranks. Although some relate volatility with difficult and untouchable markets, opportunities continue to remain abound in these less than attractive conditions to those focused and fortunate.
By following these five simple steps, trading in volatile market conditions should be a little simpler. Don't forget to adjust leverage based on volatility, follow your trading plan, tighten your stops and know why you are getting into a trade before you place it.
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